Many people want to know which AI is closest to AGI? This is an important question for philosophers and computer scientists, but I see more and more companies setting out to answer a different question: Which AI should I hire?
EquiStamp, for example, evaluates dozens of AIs based on multiple assessments, including customized assessments tailored to specific business tasks. For example, a company may want to hire an AI to handle customer queries, another to sort packages, another to summarize internal technical documents. The best AI for each task may differ from the AI that scores highest in general reasoning power. Furthermore, bBusinesses not only care about performance, but also speed and cost. No reason to hire AI-Einstein to sort mail. AIs are also continually retrained so their performance can fluctuate. Companies may therefore want to continually test their AIs and quickly hire and fire AIs as necessary.
In short, an AI recruitment spot market is developing.
The post office TaskRabbit for AI Hires appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.