The PNB PRANAM fixed deposit scheme is designed for people aged 55 to 60 years, allowing a minimum deposit of Rs.100 and a maximum of Rs.1,99,99,999.
Its main features include:
- Individuals (alone or jointly), including illiterate or blind people aged 55 to 60.
- In case of joint filing, the elderly person must be the primary holder.
Deposit amount
- Minimum: Rs.100
- Maximum: Rs.1,99,99,999
Deposit period
- Minimum: 1 year
- Maximum: 10 years
- Income (monthly/quarterly interest payment) or maturity (interest compounded quarterly) options.
During the deposit period, in both cases, the account holder must attain senior citizen status, i.e.
the age of 60 years.
- Additional rate of 0.50% applicable to seniors aged 60 and over.
- The income option offers interest quarterly at a single rate or monthly at a reduced rate.
- The maturity option involves quarterly compound interest, payable at the end of the term.
Premature withdrawal
- Authorized with interest payable at the contract rate or the actual period rate, whichever is lower.
- No penalty for premature withdrawal after reaching senior status.
Demand loan/overdraft
- Available for deposits of Rs.10,000 and above on request.
- Discovered not available for accounts opened by illiterate or blind people.
Additional Features of PNB Pranam Fixed Deposit
- Automatic renewal, nomination and other standard banking facilities.
- Tax deduction at source and provision of interest certificates.
For more information, please visit the official website of Punjab National Bank