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As you’ve probably heard, RFK Jr. claims a worm once ate part of his brain. Luckily for him, he recovered. And lucky for the brain-eating worm that he didn’t choose Joe instead, otherwise he would have starved to death. But the whole worm-in-your-brain thing got me thinking that there’s no shortage of parasites living on other people’s brains.
The most obvious are the campus occupants who have settled in ruining college graduation ceremonies across America. The worm in these kids’ heads looks like a cross between Karl Marx and someone with even worse hair, Joy Reid. Which explains the united front between communists, anarchists, BLM, Antifa and Hamas holes. There are also hoaxes about climate change. Yes, we’ve seen Greta’s new concert now, since the globe didn’t burn like she said. So how will she get her screen time?
But their common denominator is clear: we want to destroy the West and what we are going to offer you instead is much worse. For them, it’s like replacing Jon Hamm with a ham. Here’s a video from Queers for Palestine, who has as much in common with Hamas as Kat does with the members of Odor Eaters Anonymous, but Queers for Palestine has one thing in common with Hamas: irrational hatred. They tried to stopping traffic at Walt Disney World in Florida.
But they can’t think they have a worm. Fortunately, Florida turned these Palestine Queers into Palestine Detainees in minutes. It turns out that you can stop people blocking the road quickly if you stop people blocking the road quickly. And if these Queers in Palestine think that’s bad, imagine what would happen if they encountered Hamas. Hamas loves to party with the LGBTQ community. First, they will raise the roof. Then they reject them, but that’s real law enforcement. Oh. THANKS. But this is a real application without taking into account the root causes.
Shouldn’t civilization collapse now, like Jerrold Nadler in a stress test? Next up is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose country is pushing for an online harms bill that criminalizes what they call hate speech. What is hate speech in Canada, you ask? This is any speech likely to make a protected group uncomfortable. If that net widened, it could catch Whoopi Goldberg’s lunch.
So, is this law retroactive? What if you tweeted problematic content that still exists? What if you shared a controversial video once? Or what if you have an embarrassing, racist photo lying around and you’re the Prime Minister of Canada? The law is vague, but the scary thing is that if you are likely to reoffend, you could be locked up indefinitely in the future. All thanks to Trudeau, he is quickly becoming the Kim Jong Un of our hemisphere.
Turns out the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree if your mom hits Castro. What if, as an American, you made fun of or criticized a Canadian? Could you be extradited to Canada to face charges? Well, let’s try three, we’ll say: Hey Justin, you suck. One. Two. Three. Hey Justin, you suck! Congratulations to all. You are now safer on vacation in Mexico. But think about it, could you go to jail in Canada for sharing a video about a certain Canadian workshop teacher? Just for the record, this whole thing wasn’t me, it was Kat and Tyrus’ idea.
TIRE: —- You, Greg.
Stop the black man. This usually works.
TIRE: Pick me up.
And go easy on Kat, she’s cold everywhere in northern Honduras. Here’s another clear example of a voracious brain worm that must be on its second dose by now, an Irish Eurovision contestant crying over the Israeli contestant making it to the final.
Who knew hemorrhoids could talk? Now, maybe this creature was probably a good girl a long time ago, raised by kind parents, but look at her now. She has more hatred in her than I do for “Fox & Friends.” And now she’s targeting a really normal, healthy Israeli candidate because he’s from Israel, but perhaps the biggest idiocy is that this idiot thinks blind, ignorant anti-Semitism is punk. Sorry, it’s not punk when the competition judges align with you. No, you’re about as nervous as a stick of room temperature butter or what Joy Behar calls breakfast.
As brain worms continue to infiltrate our culture and our children, remember that they all have a common ancestor. You can call it progressivism or cultural Marxism, whatever it is, you have to ask yourself, how did it get there? I mean, look at who’s crazy today and who’s not and that should tell you something. It’s true that there are some lunatics on the right, but it comes from below. This mass hysteria on the left is purely top-down. This comes from professors, the media, far-left organizations who have money and no scruples. It’s not QAnon, it’s CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, Media Matters, etc. That’s why we don’t have the worm. They do.
They eat it in their diet, but we don’t eat it —-, but whatever you call the worms, parents better sit still, especially on campus or if you live in Canada. In the meantime, as the adults in the room, let’s learn a lesson from Florida and deliver a simple message to these students, teachers and media, and yes, the Canadian Prime Minister, for God’s sake, is growing up!
You and your worms are destroying the institutions that have made the West the most prosperous civilization of all time. And it won’t stop there, because each parasite eventually kills its host. But who knows? Judging by this batch, they’re so inedible that the worms might be looking for a better meal.