1. Do gun norms explain variation in adolescent suicide deaths across states?
2. Rukmini S on the BBC’s Tim Harford PodcastAnd more information here on data for India.
3. An Italian village of 46 inhabitants has 30 candidates in local elections.
4. Camille Paglia’s school closes its doors (NYT). And more hereaccreditation was suddenly withdrawn.
5. Aurélien Criautu and Ben Klutsey on moderation and liberalism.
6. Anton Jäger on Belgium (NYT).
7. On Milei’s Fixer (FT).
8. Helen Dale on personality and politics.
9. Qualified majorities in Mexicogood luck with that.
ten. Ashlee Vance on Cradle and Laura Deming (Bloomberg). “The company claims to have successfully cooled and reheated a slice of rodent brain and found that the sample retained the electrical activity of its neurons.”
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