George Lucas may be the creator of Star warss, but a legendary hip-hop group from New York has, and continues to have, an impact in a galaxy far, far away.
In this week’s episode of The Acolytewe are treated to a brief moment of Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh speaking to a senator from the planet Abednedo. The senator is not named in the episode, but the subtitles and official Star Wars website identify them as Senator Isedwa Chuwant.
Who cares, right? Star Wars Names are always weird. True, but especially when it comes to Abednedo beings, they are specifically and intentionally weird. The species first appeared in The force awakens, and is best known for the Ello Asty, Resistance Pilota character whose name was approved by JJ Abrams because it was a reference to one of his favorite bands, the Beastie Boys. (Ello Asty is named after their album, Hello bad guy.)
Have you ever heard their song “So What’cha Want”? Say it quickly and then look at the senator’s name: Isedwa Chuwant. Yes, Abednedo’s character is once again clearly named after a Beastie Boys song. And, according to WookiepediaIt’s a tradition that extends far beyond film and television.
According to the site, several Star warsAuthors and creators have continued the model in books and visual guides. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary, Pablo Hidalgo names the characters Roodown (for the Beastie Boys song “Root Down”), Munica (for the album Bad communication) and, our favorite, Brasmon Kee (for the song “Brass Monkey.”) There are also characters named Sowa Chuan (“So What’cha Want? Again”), Oddy Muva (“Body Movin'”) and Awls Ooteek (Paul’s Shop) to name a few. Again, Wookiepedia delves deeper into it.
And now we have Senator Isedaw Chuwant asking and answering the question: “So what do you want?” Star Wars Beastie Boys names? Yes, please.
Discover the character in the new episode of The Acolyte, streaming on Disney+.
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